Guideline for abstract submission
Abstract submission is closed.
In addition, it is also possible to submit a poster in the area of the GDM or the interface. There is a section „Poster GDM“ and a section „Poster Interface“ in the abstract system which should be selected for poster submissions.
You will find an overview of all planned sections here.
In order to submit an abstract, the following information are required:
Presenting author (Name, e-mail, institution), titel and text of the abstract, required section for the talk and an alternative section.
Please take note of the following guidelines:
for the presenting authors:
- It is possible to submit a lecture as a leading main author. Since you can only be main author one time, this submission is only possible once.
- As a co-author you can be on several submitted lectures.
- Please also indicate your co-authors (with the possibility to differentiate between presentint and non-presenting co-author)
for your talk:
- Titel (max. 200 signs)
- Abstract (max. 600 signs): Here you can either copy your abstract from a text file or use latex code directly. The system converts your input into a PDF file in the next step if all entries were correct.
- Requested minisymposium or section and an alternative section, in case your speech is not accepted in the minisymposium.
For security reasons, you are automatically logged out of the system after 1 hour. Therefore, it is recommended to formulate the text in an extra file before submission.
If you would like to submit your proposal in LaTeX, please use the template provided by us.